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SINCE 2010

Making a Difference

Since our inception, our goal has been simple: to give back in whatever way we can. To fulfill this mission, we have partnered with the Smile Foundation in India.

Here’s what impact looks like:

Girl Child


"I will learn dance and perform in the Annual Function this time. Mother will be so happy to see me.”



"There were days when we could not eat. We used to struggle every day."

Girl Child


A 10 year old jovial and ambitious Thanuja was made to drop out of school by her parents.

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Helping others is important to us. As an Australian family business, we’re passionate about doing our part in helping how we can.

When you buy a Hab Shifa product, a proceed of this sale goes towards the Smile Foundation- a not for profit based in India that helps over 1.5 million children and their families annually. The smile foundation operates more than 400 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment in over 2000 remote villages across India. 

How you're helping

Every time you make a purchase of a Hab Shifa product, you improve your health while a portion of the sale is donated to help improve the life of someone else. Following a lifecycle approach, Smile Foundation works intensively through focused welfare projects in four major areas – child education, healthcare for families, skills training and livelihood for youth, and community engagement through women empowerment, with an end-goal to bring about a sustainable change in the lives of underprivileged families. 

Thank you for helping us make a change for a better world.

- Hab Shifa Australia